CERA, Module B: Taxonomy, Modelling and Mitigation of Risks
If you want to prepare your CERA B exam on 23 October 2020, we would like to draw your attention to our training "CERA, Module B: Taxonomy, Modelling and Mitigation
of Risks" on 7-11 September 2020. This virtual training focuses on quantitative analyses of financial and non-financial risks of an insurance company and the effect and possible applications of risk mitigation techniques. After an introduction to the economic
valuation of an insurance company, including stochastic valuation models and approximation techniques for life companies, and the building blocks of its economic balance sheet, the risk measure as well as the relevant regulatory requirements of Solvency II
will be discussed. Different concepts of risk modelling covering from standard formula to fully internal models will be presented.
The fee for this special CERA module (B) is € 1,450.00 plus 16% VAT.
Please find all additional information and a registration form on the website.
An overview on other upcoming events can be downloaded as well.