Call for Presentations – Be part of the aoc2020
In September 2020, actuview will be hosting its own online event
In September 2020, actuview will be hosting its own online event – the actuview online conference, aoc2020. Under the overall theme “future | actuary”, the aoc2020 will feature a series of sessions on current developments in the actuarial profession and address future challenges for actuaries in- and outside the financial industry in the age of digital change. All partners and users of actuview, but also all other interested actuaries and experts from around the world are invited to participate and contribute to this special event. The deadline for submissions has been extended until the 15 June 2020.
If you are interested in contributing a recorded session please submit your proposal including a short abstract and some information about you and your affiliation via the online form on www.aoc2020.actuview.com.